Thursday, 10 December 2020

1st Primary. Unit 2, After school

Hola chicos!! Ya hemos acabado el tema 2 sobre las partes del cuerpo y algunos sentimientos. Os dejo aquí un pequeño resumen que os puede ayudar a repasar el tema, ok?

Hi guys!! We have already finished Unit 2 about the parts of the body and some feelings. I leave you here something that can help you to study a little bit, ok?

Friday, 4 December 2020

The rainbow today!

Today, in class, we saw a beautiful rainbow. We stopped working for some minutes to go to the window to look at it. It was cool!! Here we have the picture 😊
Have a nice weekend!!

Teacher Arantxa

Thursday, 19 November 2020

1st Primary. Song Unit 2 "Parts of the body"

Let's learn and practise the song from Unit 2!! Are you ready? Don't stop moving your BODY!!

Teacher Arantxa

Friday, 6 November 2020

1st Primary. Unit 1, I love school

Hello dear students!! 

Os dejo un enlace para que podáis estudiar el tema que hemos visto en clase estas semanas y repasar desde casa, ok?

Aprended y pasadlo bien con la canción que pusimos el otro día y mirad todas las palabras nuevas que sabemos ahora!!

Tuesday, 27 October 2020


Hello children! This week we are listening a funny song in class. You've got it here to listen to it as much as you want. Ready?

Teacher Arantxa

Saturday, 24 October 2020

3rd Primary. We meet Tom

Here's the video about Tom we saw in class this week. Watch it as much as you want and try to understand everything Tom tell us about his family and friends. Enjoy the weekend!!

Teacher Arantxa

1st Primary. Song Unit 1

Hi children!! I hope you enjoy with the song we are working in class these days. I leave you the video here to practise the words. 

Teacher Arantxa

Monday, 19 October 2020

UNIT 6 All About Us 3rd Primary

And at last we finish with our old books from the third of primary!! Let's have a look to everything we learn in Unit 6 to keep these books and start the new ones!!

UNIT 6 All About Us 2nd Primary

And at last we finish with our old books from the second of primary!! Let's have a look to everything we learn in Unit 6 to keep these books and start the new ones!!

Vocabulary Unit 6 All About Us 2

Teacher Arantxa

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Let's get ready!! UNIT 5 All About Us 3rd Primary

Hello!! Hello!! Welcome to the 4th Primary!! We have started the year studying what we couldn't last months so... here you have everything you have to know in Unit 5 from the 3rd Primary books. 

Get ready and start stduying a little bit my dear students!!😉 Press the link

Vocabulary Unit 5 All About Us 3

Teacher Arantxa

Let's get ready!! UNIT 5 All About Us 2nd Primary

Hello!! Hello!! Welcome to the 3rd Primary!! We have started the year studying what we couldn't last months so... here you have everything you have to know in Unit 5 from the 2nd Primary books. 

Get ready and start stduying a little bit my dear students!!😉 Press the link

Vocabulary Unit 5 All About Us 2

Teacher Arantxa

Sunday, 6 September 2020


After so many months we are back at school!! Have a wonderful welcoming everyone!! 

Let's try to do our best.  

Your teacher, Arantxa

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Year 2. Week 15th-19th June

Last week of this strange and different year together
Última semana de este extraño y diferente curso junt@s


First of all, I would like to THANK you for all your effort, support and interest during this hard term for all of us. Together, we reach this GREAT number 😍
Primero de todo, me gustaría agradeceros todo el esfuerzo, apoyo e interés durante este duro trimestre para tod@s. Junt@s, conseguimos este fantástico número de visitas en el blog 😍

Now, I've got a surprise for you. You can print it and write your name on it for being a great student in this quarantine period.  Here it is!!

Ahora, tengo una sorpresa para vosotr@s. Podéis imprimirlo y escribir vuestro nombre en él por ser un alumno/a estupendo/a este periodo de confinamiento. ¡¡Aquí lo tenéis!!

Ahora sólo me queda desearos a todos y cada uno de vosotr@s y cada una de vuestras familias un verano de descanso y de momentos divertidos con el fin de volver a vernos en septiembre sanos y con mucha energía y ganas de volver a empezar, pero esta vez, JUNT@S. Ha sido un placer acompañaros durante estos meses a través del blog. 

See you soon guys!!
¡¡Nos vemos pronto, chic@s!!
Teacher Arantxa

No hay ninguna necesidad de seguir trabajando durante los meses de verano (sería ideal que aprovecharais para otro tipo de actividades). Aún así, si alguien quiere repasar un poquito más o le apetece hacer algún libro de vacaciones en inglés, como cada año, os recomiendo trabajar el "Holiday English" de vuestro curso (2, 3 o 4) de la Editorial Oxford.

Os dejo algunos enlaces por si os aburrís en algún ratito y queréis entrar (para todas las edades):

Wow English.  

Las licencias de los libros digitales de inglés (plataforma BlinkLearning) las tenemos hasta el 5 de agosto. Si os apetece, podéis seguir accediendo hasta esa fecha para ir practicando, a vuestro ritmo, todo lo que os haya quedado pendiente de los temas 1, 2 y 3. Ahora ya sois tod@s un@s expert@s en utilizar los libros digitales.