Sunday 24 March 2019


Angela, our English assistant in the school, gave us the opportunity to know curiosities and aspects about her country, The Philippines.
During the month of March, she taught classes in 4th, 5th and 6th about general facts in The Phillipines, we learnt how to make "Graham balls" and we ate them, we knew different traditional games there and we played them in the playground. We had lots of fun. 

Here I leave you some pictures about what we did with her!!

Listening to Angela explaining lots of interesting facts about her country, The Phillipines

Working in class making the recipe Angela prepared for us, "Graham Balls", yummy!!

Making posters in groups about The Phillipines to talk about them in the last session of this fantastic project. It's an interesting way to learn.

Playing filipino games in the playground after being worked in the class in groups of five students. 

Resultado de imagen de thanks

Thank you, Angela, for these experiences