Let's practise the times. Remember some rules!!
We can say It's a quarter past... or we can just say It's quarter past..., both are possible. It happens the same with It's a quarter to... or It's quarter to...
12.00 It's twelve o'clock.
12.15 It's quarter past twelve.
12.30 It's half past twelve.
12.45 It's quarter to one.
This afternoon, you will have some exercices to work the times. Pay attention to the blog!!
It's quarter to six right now and here there are, some exercices for you to practise. Enter the following links:
Times exercices I
Time exercices II
Enjoy learning at the same time!! See you soon
It's quarter to six right now and here there are, some exercices for you to practise. Enter the following links:
Times exercices I
Time exercices II
Enjoy learning at the same time!! See you soon